Display in the shop window next to Brown's Fish & Chip Cafe - courtesy of the Brown Family
The Book Launch of 'From Mummer's Booth to Silver Screen: a History of the Haggar Family' proved a big success and we sold 70 books on that first night! This has been a big success too for the Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society which has now set itself up as a book publisher using its own funds for what, we hope, will be a sustainable enterprise to generate income for the publication of books and leaflets of local interest. The Haggar book, whilst having great local appeal, also has a national appeal forming as it does an important chapter in the history of cinema in this country. We are having great problems getting this on Amazon but if anyone wishes to buy a copy by post, please make cheques payable to
Pembroke&Monkton Local History Society, 28 Rocky Park, Pembroke SA71 4NY for £12.50 (incl P&P)
It is available locally from Pembroke Town Hall (Museum), Castle shop, Robinsons (Londis),St Govans Bookshop Pembroke Dock.
The National Library Wales has already show an interest and we have visited Aberystwyth to deposit copies of the book which will also be sold in the Library shop.
Hazel Thomas of NLW People's Collection with Vicki Haggar in the NLW's bookshop

Vicki outside the NLW
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