Over 70 supported the Quiz Night |
Some of our Committee which provided the buffet. |
The winners! |
The Mayor’s Quiz Night and
Buffet was held in Pembroke Town Hall to raise money for the Mayor’s Charity. All Mayors raise money for a charity of their
choice whilst in office. However,
instead of raising money for an established Charity, this year’s Mayor, Pauline
Waters has set up a new charity, a charity in aid of community youth, to raise
money to improve facilities for young people in Pembroke.
Said Mayor Pauline Waters “I
am very pleased at the response from the community: in all, 70 people took part
despite the appalling weather that night.
It just goes to show what a strong, supportive community we have in
Pembroke and I am grateful also to the Councillors and Mayor and Consort of
Neyland for their support.
I would like to extend a big
thank you to Des Sinclair for supplying the questions and to the Committee of
the Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society for providing the excellent
buffet free of charge – they are always so supportive of community events and
pleased to help.
Mayor Pauline Waters with Mayor and Consort of Neyland