Friday, June 7, 2024

At the going down of the sun ... Pembroke commemorates D_Day

Many Pembroke people assembled in Pembroke Castle to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day to watch the lighting of the Beacon by the Mayor of Pembroke, Cllr Ann Mortenson. Across the nation, beacons were lit at 9.15pm, at sunset, at the 'going down of the sun, and in the morning, we remember them'. The occasion was all the more moving, taking place against the backdrop of a beautiful sunset seen vividly from the Castle.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Saturday June 1st - at Carew Castle

Enjoyable day at Carew Castle where we took part in the 'Unearthing History' event yesterday, joining other Pembrokeshire heritage groups. Lovely in the sun!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Northern Lights over Pembrokeshire!

The Northern Lights' spectacle - caused when charged particles from the sun collide with gases in the Earth's atmosphere to create vibrant displays of colour-gave rise to much excitement nationwide. These photographs were taken in nearby Carew.

Friday 10th May - at Lamphey Palace

With Pembroke Civic Trust at Lamphey Palace for a guided talk with Terry John. A lovely afternoon in glorious sunshine and a very interesting talk. Once the retreat of the Bishop of St Davids, this building claims connection with two very prominent Tudor people - Margaret Beaufort and the Earl of Essex. Tradition has it too that Henry Tudor was conceived here when Edmund Tudor brought his 13 year old bride, Margaret Beaufort to live at the palace. But before Henry was born, Edmund died fighting for the King and she gave birth at nearby Pembroke Castle under the protection of her brother in law, Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke. The Earl of Essex's family owned Lamphey Hall and he was brought up there before his rise to fame as Queen Elizabeth's favourite - only to perish in the end on the scaffold in the Tower of London. His ghost however, is said to haunt the Palace - and apparently there are many ghosts, black monks, white ladies and the like. Some people do claim to have seen them ...

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Saturday May 4th - Coffee Morning and Talk

Saturday’s talk was the last in our 2023/24 programme and proved popular with an entertaining talk by Terry John who told us ‘How to Speak Tudor’: informing us how words have changed meaning since Tudor times (with some very peculiar and humerous expressions) and how the English language had since developed. A look too at the Elizabethan costume and what it symbolised. As usual we began the morning with coffee and cake and opened up the Museum and Council Chamber. The Museum will also open next Saturday May 11th, as there will be a Craft Fair in the Town Hall as part of the Pembroke Festival. Looking to the future, our next talk will take place on the first Saturday of October when Gareth Mills will be back to give a talk on the Stackpole Estate.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Our next event Saturday May 4th in Pembroke Town Hall

Quiz Night and Buffet April 12th

Our Quiz Night and buffet again attracted many participants with 9 tables taking part. An enjoyable evening with a tasty buffet and good company. A big thank you to organisers June Willcocks and Mary Willington, to the ladies of the History Society for preparing the buffet and to Abi Marriot of the Co-op for the donation of the raffle prize. And not forgetting our Quiz Master Rose Blackburn, pictured here with the winning team.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Saturday April 6th Coffee Morning and Talk

Saturday's Coffee Morning and Talk was again a popular event with Phil Lloyd giving us an entertaining talk on his experiences as a Police Officer with Dyfed Powys Police, a career which spanned some 30 years. Phil is also well known to us in Pembroke where he served as Town Clerk for 11 years after retiring from the Police and 47 years with the Pembroke Male Voice Choir. Visitors were also able to enjoy coffee and home made cakes as well as a visit to the Museum which is situated in the old Courtroom on the first floor of the Town Hall. The Museum is now open in the afternoons - Monday to Thursday 10am - 3pm. Fridays we close at 1pm.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

April Events

Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society has two events in April. Following the Easter Holiday, we meet next on Saturday morning, April 6th for a Coffee Morning and Talk in Pembroke Town Hall. Doors open at 10am. for coffee and an opportunity to visit the Museum and Council Chamber, which are situated on the first floor of the Town Hall – a lift is available for disabled access. Following this, at 11am, we assemble in the George Lewis Room for the talk. This month’s talk, by popular Pembroke personality Phil Lloyd, is mysteriously called 'Things you didn't know about Pembrokeshire !' Phil served in the police force for some 30 years - first in the Pembrokeshire Police and then in the Dyfed Powis Police which replaced it. He will be recounting some of the strange and unusual experiences he encountered during of the course of his career. Everyone is welcome to attend – you do not have to be a member - and entry is free.
Secondly, on Friday evening April 12th, there will be another of our popular Quiz Nights in Pembroke Town Hall 7pm. Doors open at 6.30pm and entry is £5 payable at the door. The ticket price includes a buffet - coffee and tea provided but you may bring your own bottle if you wish.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Saturday March 2nd - St David's Talk and Coffee Morning

Saturday was a busy morning as we met again for our monthly Coffee Morning and Talk. The talk was given by Society Chairman Linda Asman who gave a new presentation on the subject of Gerald of Wales' Journey Around Wales in 1188, a route she and husband Stuart had followed last year, photographing the medieval sites which Gerald described so famously in his journal. Last year marked the 800th anniversary of Gerald's death and we needed to commemorate that as he was a Pembrokeshire man, born in Manorbier. He is celebrated in wonderful stained glass windows in the churches of both Manorbier and St Mary's as well as a statue in St David's Cathedral.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

St David's Talk and Coffee Morning March 2nd

Our Coffee Morning and Talk this month will be held on Saturday morning, March 2nd in Pembroke Town Hall from 10am. This month’s talk, by Society Chairman Linda Asman, will have a Welsh theme and is titled ‘In the Footsteps of Gerald of Wales’. Gerald de Barri, also known as Geraldus Cambrensis or Gerald the Welshman, died some 800 years ago. He was born and raised in Manorbier, a grandson of Princess Nest and Gerald de Windsor and, through them, a descendant of both the Welsh Princes and Marcher Lords. A remarkable man of his day, Gerald was a churchman, scholar, reformer, royal diplomat and a tireless traveller but it is his writings that distinguished him above all. In 1188, he accompanied Archbishop Bishop Baldwin of Canterbury on a mission to recruit men for the 3rd Crusade, a mission which took him all around Wales and which Gerald recorded for posterity in his books ‘Journey around Wales and Description of Wales, books which shine a light into that far off world of 12th Century Wales Linda and Stuart Asman decided to follow this earliest of Welsh travel guides, visiting and photographing the sites which Gerald described in his journal along with accounts of local miracles, fantastic tales and descriptions of Welsh life which make it so entertaining. The talk is richly illustrated with photographs, which can be viewed to advantage on Pembroke Town Hall’s new, large television screen. Doors will open from 10am for coffee and an opportunity to visit the Museum and Council Chamber, which are situated on the first floor of the Town Hall – a lift is available for disabled access. Following this, at 11am, we assemble in the George Lewis Room for the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend – you do not have to be a member - and entry is free.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday's meeting was another great success. The morning began with a Coffee Morning get together and Museum visit followed by a fascinating talk by this month's guest speaker, Phil Carradice. Phil is an author of many books and an experienced and entertaining speaker - very popular as can be witnessed by the large audience of over 100 that he attracted! His talk was titled 'Witchcraft and Witch hunts', the subject of his latest book. Phil had been hoping to introduce the book but, unfortunately, it is still at the publishers and will not be ready for distribution until later this month.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Winner of the Quiz

Friday's Quiz was very well attended with 10 tables. An enjoyable evening with a lovely buffet and good company. The winning table pictured here with organisers June Willcocks and Mary Willington together with Quiz Master Rose Blackburn.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Coffee Morning and Talk February 3rd in Pembroke Town Hall

Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society will be continuing its programme of Talks with accompanying Coffee Mornings on Saturday morning February 3rd in Pembroke Town Hall, commencing 10am. This month’s meeting will feature a talk by popular speaker and author, Phil Carradice. Phil will be introducing his forthcoming book ‘A History of Witches and Witch Hunts’ which looks at witchcraft from early times (mainly Egyptian and Roman) to the present day. “Witchcraft was a pre-cursor to religion and was at various times a threat and a support. The book highlights the Medieval period when over 100,000 women across Europe - and they were mostly women - were accused of witchcraft. Around 70,000 were executed without real evidence. Scotland killed off 5000, England 3000 but Wales - just five, due mainly to the concept of 'the wise women '; village herb gatherers who provided the only medical aid available. The book also looks at famous witch trials, such as the Salem Witches, and witch hunts - from Matthew Hopkins (the famous Witchfinder General) to Senator Joe McCarthy and other modern hunts (political rather than social/religious etc)”. (The book is published by Pen & Sword, hardback and kindle - due out 28th February). Doors will open from 10am for coffee and an opportunity to visit the Museum and Council Chamber, which are situated on the first floor of the Town Hall – a lift is available for disabled access. Following this, at 11am, we assemble in the George Lewis Room for the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend – you do not have to be a member - and entry is free.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Friday January 26th Quiz Night and Buffet

January 13th Talk and Coffee Morning

So many people joined us for our New Year's get together on Saturday - I don't think we've ever had such numbers, exceeding a hundred! We began with a coffee morning and a look around the museum (which, through the winter months is closed, reopening February Half-term). Then all assembled in the George Lewis room for the talk by Dr Robert Davies MBE. Robert took us on a photographic tour around our beautiful county of Pembrokeshire exploring its natural and historic sites. I have to say I am full of admiration for his beautiful photography, which was shown off to advantage via the Town Hall's new television screen monitor, a big improvement on our previous screen and projector!

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 13th - Talk by Dr Robert Davies MBE

We begin the New Year with a Coffee Morning and Talk by Dr Robert Davies MBE. The title of his talk is 'Fifty Shades of Pembrokeshire', which he describes as follows: “As a keen photographer, artist and local historian, whenever I travel around Pembrokeshire my camera and digital sketchbook are with me, as a result I have accumulated thousands of digital photographs encapsulating Pembrokeshire’s hidden places. Many of the photographs that I use to illustrate my talk will hopefully remind the audience of just how magnificent Pembrokeshire truly is. Throughout the talk we wind our way along the footpaths, tracks and its narrow lanes to visit the well known parts of the County and more importantly the less well known areas. Quotes from artists and photographers are often used to help illustrate a photograph or offer a greater understanding. A little background information of a place will be given together with a brief history. My love of ‘The Milford Haven Waterway’ will also come through together with its exciting and fascinating history. We will look at the Eastern Cleddau pass by Blackpool Mill, Slebech Hall and Picton Castle down the Daugleddau exploring the many creeks and historic sites. We will travel up the Cresswell and Carew Rivers and back to Lawrenny to carry on with our journey passing Burton and under the Cleddau Bridge, pop into the Pembroke River and travel on down the lower Haven towards the open sea, passing Angle, Lindsway Bay, Watwick Bay to St Anne’s Head”.