Last week in Pembroke the Michaelmas Fair drew the crowds but there was another big attraction in Pembroke Main Street on Friday October 14th. In Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke and Monkton Local History Society presented Haggar’s Night, a celebration of the life and work of William Haggar, pioneer of the cinema and moving pictures. Pembroke has a long association with the Haggar family and the closing of Haggar’s cinema and ballroom is still a matter of huge regret to so many here. Testimony to that affection was the huge turn out as around 100 people attended the meeting which was presented by Sarah Haggar, great great granddaughter of William Haggar. The audience were then treated to a showing of some of the films, and they were fortunate indeed to welcome Mark Jones, a colleague of Sarah’s at Milford Comprehensive School, and who has now put the films to music which really made them come alive. The evening ended with a tribute to Roy Haggar, Sarah’s father and family historian, sadly missed. Haggar’s Night was quite an occasion and a great many people commented that they had enjoyed it so much they would love a repeat performance.