Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Talking to Ashdale Residential Home for the elderly

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Another popular Quiz Night in Monkton Priory Church Hall

Our Quiz Nights have proved to be very popular community events and Friday was no exception. The Church Hall in Monkton was almost full to capacity which makes the winning all the more commendable. Congratulations to the winning team: Sylvia and Jim Lloyd, Bernard & Gillian Edwards, Monica Hannaway, Chris Lankshear - this month’s Monkton masterminds! Liz Jenkins coordinated the food and it is with the utmost admiration, I’ve said it before, that she and others on the committee can get together a buffet to such a high standard for large numbers . Pauline Waters was, as usual, our incomparable Quizmaster.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
St Davids Day Exhibition and Lunch - March 3rd

As our meeting this month fell on March 3rd,, we adopted a Welsh theme to celebrate our Patron Saint’s Day. Large numbers attended and they were not disappointed: they were able to enjoy an exhibition, a filmshow and a lunch (plus the usual coffee morning of course)