Christmas is in full swing.
Here in Pembroke it began on November 29th when the Christmas
lights were switched on and Father Christmas abseiled down the Keep of Pembroke
Castle to mark the opening of the Christmas Market. Thousands made their way to
Pembroke for the Market which looks set to becoming an annual event, supported
by the whole community, with numbers topping last years’. Monkton too joined in the festivities with a repeat of last year's very successful 'Recycled Christmas Tree' Festival.
We as a Society are always happy to support our
churches. We are very much involved with
Monkton Priory
Church as we rent office space in
the Church Hall and hold most of our events there. The Priory
Church is a beautiful Church, the
oldest in Pembroke founded as it was 5 years following the establishment of Pembroke
Castle itself. It certainly
provided a lovely setting for this colourful festival.
The idea was to make Christmas trees
and decorations with recycled materials, a novelty perhaps for youngster
nowadays, but something we all had to do in the ‘old days’! It certainly gave food for thought and prizes went to the most inventive.