Sunday, June 12, 2022

Trustee Rose Blackburn is awarded the BEM

Congratulations to Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society Trustee and Vice Chairman, Rose Blackburn for her award of BEM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in this Platinum Jubilee year.
No one deserves it more than Rose, a popular and colourful figure in Pembroke. She has been a Town Councillor for many years and former Mayor, and has served as our Town Crier for 27 years.  Her volunteering roles over the years have been widespread, ranging from the youth justice board to animal welfare and the Pembrokeshire Community Health Council.  
Rose is also passionate about the history of Pembroke and is Trustee not only on the Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society but the Henry Tudor Trust, formed to plan the exhibition in the forthcoming Henry Tudor Centre.  She has been very much involved in developing Pembroke Museum, and has been active in the fundraising campaigns for the Henry VII and William Marshal statues.
And we must not forget Rose’s much loved Gracie, the town dog for many years and sadly missed.  However, Gracie has a lasting memorial in our statue of Henry VII as she modelled for Henry’s greyhound, which sits beside him.