Thursday, August 29, 2024

Our Autumn Programme starts on September 13th

Pembroke & Monkton Local History Society’s Autumn programme begins with a Quiz Night and Buffet next Friday evening September 13th in Pembroke Town Hall at 7pm. Doors open at 6.30pm and entry is £5 payable at the door. The ticket price includes a buffet - coffee and tea are provided but you may bring your own bottle if you wish.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Pembroke River Rally - Saturday August 17th

Pembroke's River Rally was a great success with around 70 craft taking part to sail up the Pembroke River to the Castle Pond led by the WWMHS boat 'Heritage'. On the South Quay a large crowd greeted the boats, attended by Pembroke's Mayor (Cllr Ann Mortenson} and Town Crier (Cllr Gareth Jones). Pembroke has a great maritime heritage and, although the days of the Coastal trade are a distant memory, the annual River Rally is there to remind us. The construction of the barrage across the Pembroke river blocked the way to shipping and the River Rally came about to establish the right to navigate the Pembroke River. The West Wales Maritime Heritage Society was asked by the Mayor of Pembroke to organise the very first Pembroke River Rally in 1995. The Society calculates when the tide will allow the event to take place, arranges a flagship for the Mayors of Pembroke and Pembroke Dock and a flotilla of boats to provide a spectacle and mark Pembroke's maritime History. This is done once a year to keep the rights of navigation alive for those who sail the Pembroke River and who wish to enter the Castle Pond.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 7th - at the Pembroke Show

We had a stall at the Pembroke Town and Country Show - great show, so much to see and do and so well attended! Established in 1817, the Farmers Club has held the annual Pembroke and Country show for over 200 years.